Biology Questions Part - 4
Sunday, 3 February 2019
1. What is cause of murmur of heart– Disorder f value
2. Heart working is – Transportation of blood to different
3. Which vien carry pure blood from the Hengs– Plumonary vein
4. In which following known a pace-maker of heart. - SA node
5. How many chamber of heart found in human– Four
6. How many valve sets are found in human– 4
7. First success heart transplantation done by– C.N. Banard
8. E.C.G. represent the activity of– Heart
9. The science which deal study of heart and its disease known as - Cardiology
10. How much average heart beat occurs in per minute in human. - 72 time
11. Heart attack occur due to– Low amount blood carries to the heart
12. Nervous is– Basic unit of Nerous system
13. How many bones found in human skeletal or body. - 206
14. In human body longest bone is– Femur
15. In human skeletal examination is generally done for– Internal age
16. How many muscles are found in our body. - 656
17. How many no of skeletal muscle found - 700
18. What is the hard animal layer of teeth. - Calcium Hydroxy apetite
19. Which is part of elephant convert in from of elephant teeth– Secondary teeth
20. Which part of growing part of elephant teath– Upper teath
21. Average weight of human brain about– 1.36 kg
22. Which are contraitile protein in any muscle– Actin and myosin
23. In which following muscular organism do not have exo-sketeton– Amphibea
25. Odontology is branch of sicence, it study relocated to– Teegh
26. Windom molar is– Third molar
27. Oesleoayte found in - Bone
28. Know plats is onther name of – Ptela none
29. Tranverse coloy is part of– Large intestine
30. Occupital is region which found– Skull