Biology Questions Part - 5
Sunday, 3 February 2019
1. Deficiency of vitamin –B6 cause -Anemia
2. Ricketis is vitamin deficient disease, which body part is affect due to it. - Bone
3. In children which causes disease due to vitamin D. - Rickets
4. Which deficiency cause bending of bone of child– Vitamin D
5. Vitamin D is important for– Absorption of calcium from food
6. Which types of vitamin fastly synthesize in body.- Vitamin D
7. By which prove firstly presence of cobalt in B12.- Sodium nitroperoxide test
8. The study of medieive and it work is known as– Pharmacology
9. In which found in tobacco– Nicotine
10. Which disease occurs due to deficiency of iron? Goiter
11. In which following less amount caused anemia– Hemoglobin
12. Iron deficiency cause– Anemia
13. Which vitamin deficencent due to washing of pecledegetable– vitamin C
14. Scurvy disease caused the deficiency of – Vitamin C
15. In which rich source of vitamin C- Citrus fruit
16. What caused by deficiency of vitamin C - Scurvy
17. Which is another name of vitamin C- Aslorbic acid
18. Which in following caused by vitamin B deficiency? - Beri-Beri
19. Which metal is important component of vitamin B12– Cobalt
20. In vitamin B12 which metal ion present – Cobalt
21. Which vitamin cause Hypoerytheroposis– Vitamin B12
22. In which following vitamin prevent or resist from infection in Human body? Vitamin A
23. Vitamin – E is generally important for – General health of epithelial cissue.
24. In which following help in blood cloathing or coagulation -vitamin K
25. In which following protein cause blood clothing– Fibrogen
26. In which following vitamin are present rich amount in carrot. - Vitamin A
27. Which disease appears due to deficiency of vitamin – A Night blindness
28. Which is rich source of Vitamin – A Carrot
29. Which vitamin give immunity– vitamin A
30. In which following commonly citric acid is found– Lemon
1. AIDS virus destroyed the – Lymphocyte
2. During respiration by which process gasses enter and release from the blood - Diffussion
3. Which is natural collodals– Blood
4. In blood hemoglobin is mixture of protein in which following is found. - Iron
5. In blood oxygen carrying protein is– Hemoglobin
6. Highest Affinity of hemoglobin occur for– For carbon monoxide
7. Human blood appere red due to– Due to hemoglobin
8. In which following element found in hemoglobin. - Iron
9. On joint uric acid crystal accumulation, it caused– Gout
10. In which living oxygenated and deoxygenated blood combined– Amphibean
11. How many region found in human brain– 3
12. In which following in reglable from blood pressure. - Adernal gland
13. In which following is respiratory pigment in human– Hemoglobin
14. Universal donor are those person, which have blood– O
16. In which blood group is universal acceptor– AB
17. Person, which have blood group AB, such person donor blood, which have blood group? - AB
18. General or normal Human blood pressure of human as. - 80/120 mm Hg
19. The normal blood pressure of adult human is– 120/80 mm Hg
20. Which is regulate blood pressure– Adernal gland
21. “Hypertension” word used for– For increase blood pressure
22. On human power circulation of blood is known as – Iseimia
23. In adult male no of RBC present– 5.0 million
24. In blood, which anticoagulant substance found– Heparin
25. In human blood normal level of clastrol is – 180–200 mg%
26. The normal level of blood sugar in per 100 ml blood is– 80–100 mg
27. What is amount of glucose in mg/100 ml level in empty stomach? - 60
28. The pH of Human blood is– 7.4
29. Normal amount of blood in adult human is – Five liter
30. What is percentage amount of total density of plasma present in human blood– 55