Biology Questions Part - 2

1. In bone and teeth which chemical substance is found–
     Calcium of phosphate

2. In which following not release digestive enzyme–

3. Other then carbohydrate, which is important source of energy in our food–

4. Human body mostly get energy from of vegetation energy in form of -

5. In our body in which following given energy–

6. For instant energy, which is following given is athletes:– 

7. In milk following pair of protein and carbohydrate found–
    Casein, laetose

8. Fruit are sweat in test due–

9. In which following is a sweetest sugar– 

10. Involve in animal food–

11. In our body, fat present below to skin, which resist from–
      Loss of body heat

12. Iodine is used for determination of–
      Oil in Unsaturation

13. In which following is known as “capital assets” of cell–
      Nucleic acid

14. Nitrogen is the important compound of–
15. In which following release sex hormone.–
       Adrenal gland

16. Lactional hormone release from the–
17. Where pituitary gland found in body–
       In base of the brain

18. In which following glands regulate the body temperature or thermoregulatory.-

19. Which is center of human body regulate angry, water balance and body temperature –                           Hypothalamus   
20. Which gland of human body regulates the recreation of the hormone of pituitary gland?                       
       Hypothalamus gland

21. Which gland works both as an endocrine and exocrine gland? 
       Liver and Pancreas

22. In human body largest heteroclite gland as–

23. In mammal largest gland found–
24. In body which largest endocrine gland–

25. In which following endocrine gland found in neck?

26. When one or single gene control the more than one character then its known as –

27. Who discovered insulin–
       A.F. Bating

28. Which is the example of hormone, heat in form of protein–

29. In which gland in human body, which related to excitement of body. -
      Adrenal cortex

30. During excitement, which hormone release higher amount–

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