Chemistry important Questions Part - 2

1. Which part of cinchona plant yields quinine?

2. Liquefied Petroleum Gas consists of mainly which gases?
     Methane, butane and propane

3. Which is the secondary source of light in a fluorescent lamp?
     Mercury vapour

4. Which elements is obtained from sea weeds?

5. Which Bacteria convert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogenous compound?
      Nitrogen fixing bacteria

6. In fireworks, how is the green flame produced?
    Because of barium

7. Water will be absorbed by root hairs, then how is when the external medium?

8. Who does a liquid drop tend to assume a spherical shape?
     Surface tension

9. Which substance does not have a melting point?

10. Which was the first metal used by man?

11. In which city of India, the diurnal range of temperature is maximum?
      New Delhi

12. What is the Number of water molecules present in Mohr’s salt?

13. Why are Metals good conductor of heat than insulator? 
        They contain free electrons

14. A mixture of camphor and benzoic acid can be easily separated by which
       Chemical method

15. If a material, placed in a magnetic field is thrown out of it, then how is the material?

16. In organic compound, halogens are estimated by which method?
     Carius method

17. To which are Phototrophic and Geotropic movements linked?

18. A place having an average annual temperature of 27°C and an annual rainfall of over 200              cm.where is this?

19. Which is the most unreactive gas?

20. Which is the major oil producing area in U.S.A.?
       Texas-Louisiana belt

21. Which country leads the world in the export of oil?
       Saudi Arabia

22. With the rise of temperature, what happens in the speed of sound in a gas?

23. The isotopes of chlorine with mass number 35 and 37 exist in which ratio?

24. When the radius of the T.G. coil is decreased, what does happen in itssensitiveness?

25. The United Nations declared 2014 as which International Year?

26. Which colloids are solvent loving colloids? 

27. The resistance of material increases with temperature. What is this?

28. Which relates to the formation of the Himalayas?
       Folding of the geosyncline

29. Which material is very hard and very ductile? 

30. Which was the scientist who was responsible for the rejection of vital force theory?    

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