Chemistry Important Questions Part - 4

1. Chocolates can be bad for health because of a high content of which element?
2. Galvanised iron sheets have a coating of which metal?
3. Chlorophyll is a naturally occurring chelate compound, what is the central metal in this?
4. Chemical name of Washing soda is?
Sodium carbonate
5. What will you put into pure water in order to pass electric current through it?
Common Salt
6. Which fuel causes minimum environmental pollution?
7. Which hydrocarbon is mainly present in gobar gas?
8. The cause of fractional atomic weights of elements?
The presence of Isotopes
9. Which gas has maximum calorific value?
Oil gas
10. Phosgene is obtained by the reaction of carbon monoxide and which gas?
11. Which petroleum refinery product has the lowest boiling point?
12. Which sets indicated the Aeolian process?
Corrosion, attrition, deflation
13. Which compound does not contains an OH group?
14. Maximum hydrogen bonding would be observed in which compound?
15. What are the metallic constituents of hard water?
Calcium, magnesium and iron
16. What is the maximum number of hydrogen bonds in a H2O molecule?
17. The nitrogen percentage is the highest in which fertilizer?
18. Which are the high-temperature superconductors?
Ceramic oxides
19. Which Pollutant is produced from vehicles that cause mental diseases?
Pb (lead)
20. What makes a lemon sour?
Citric acid
21. In which type of coal percentage of carbon is the highest?
22. What is formed when white phosphorus is heated at 540 K in the absence of air?
Red phosphorus
23. Which acid is used to remove ink and rust stains and cloth?
Oxalic acid
24. Which metal is present in photo films?
25. Which is the highest grade of coal whose surface is shining and has the highest calorific value?
26. Which is an element which never exhibits positive oxidation state in any of its compounds?
27. Blue litmus paper is converted into red in solution of which thing?
28. Which is another name of RDX?
29. What is the negative logarithmic value of hydrogen on called?
30. A bee-sting leaves an acid which causes pain and irritation. which is that injected acid?
Methanoic acid

1. In an atomic nucleus, by which force are neutrons and protons held together?
Exchange forces
2. By which a mixture of naphthalene and benzoic acid can be separated?
3. By which Carbon and hydrogen are estimated in organic compounds?
 Liebig’s method
4. Which isotope of uranium capable of sustaining chain reactions?
5. Which is natural source of gamma-rays?
Radon gas
6. Which is the substance which can act both as an acid and a base?
7. Where is the Smog is likely to occur?
Near the industrial areas
8. Which property of the elements is a whole number?
Atomic number
9. What are the atoms of the elements which have same number of neutrons called?
10. What happens to the level of mercury in the barometer tube when it is taken down a coal mine?
It rises
11. Which metal is extracted by electrolytic reaction method?
Al (Aluminium)
12. Which is the basis of modern periodic table?
 Atomic number
13. By which can the location and energy of an electron in an atom be specified?
Quantum numbers
14. Which is also called Stranger Gas?
15. Mixture of which pair of gases is the cause of occurrence of most of the explosions in mines?
Methane and air
16. Rainwater collected after 30 to 40 minutes of raining is not suitable for drinking why?
Because it is acidic
17. What is the poison of honey bee?
18. Which inorganic precipitate acts as semipermeable membrane?
Copper ferrocyanide
19. In which biological process sugar is oxidised to release energy?
20. To prepare a standard solution of a substance, what is generally used?
Measuring flask
21. How does Transfer of heat energy from the sun to the moon take place?
By radiation only
22. Which is an active component of oil of clove?
23. In methane molecule how are the four hydrogen atoms arranged?
As tetrahedral
24. What are Rubies and Sapphires chemically known as?
Aluminium oxide
25. Which pair of metals constitutes the lightest metal and the heaviest metal, respectively?
Lithium and osmium
26. Energy transferred to a person through gamma rays is measured in by which unit?
27. Which element has the lowest electron affinity?
28. What does the emission of ß-particle?
Increases the atomic number by one
29. A fruity smell is obtained by the reaction of ethanol with which compound?
30. Which gas do not considered as polluting agent of air?

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