Chemistry important Questions Part - 5

1. Which compound caused tragedy of Bhopal in 1984?
Methyl isocyanate
2. Which compound is used as an antichlor?
3. Which chemical used as a ‘fixer’ in photography?
 Sodium thiosulphate
4. Which metal has the highest density?
5. In human body, into which does the pancreas secretes its enzymes?
6. Which compound is used in anti-malarial drug?
7. What does Soda water contain?
Carbon dioxide
8. Which process of weathering belongs to both mechanical and chemical weathering?
9. What is the main constituent of vinegar?
Acetic acid
10. Which compound is used for writing on glass?
 Hydrogen fluoride
11. Which compound is commonly used as antifreeze in automobile radiators?
12. When water vapours are passed over aluminium carbide, what do we get?
13. What are soaps?
Sodium or potassium salts of heavier fatty acids
14. Which material is suitable for water purification?
15. Which chemical is used in foam fire extinguishers?
Aluminium sulphate
16. Which element is with the highest electrical conductivity?
17. During electrolysis, which the species are discharged at cathode?
18. Non-stick cooking utensils are coated with which metal?
19. Which represents a process of chemical weathering?
 Hydration and
20. How can Permanent hardness of water be removed?
By adding washing
21. Which nuclear particles responsible for holding all nucleons together?
22. What is generally present in tonics?
23. Which component of the atmosphere has increased during the last 200 years?
Carbon dioxide
24. What does mixture of CS2 and H2S on passing over heated copper give?
25. Of which metal were the tools and weapons of Harappan civilisation?
 Copper, tin and bronze
26. Which is associated with the formation of brown air in traffic congested cities?
 Nitrogen oxide
27. Balloons are filled with which gas?
28. Which are the The best and the poorest conductors of heat respectively?
Silver (Ag), and lead(Pb)
29. Which metal is not attacked by the environment?
30. Which colloidal solution is used in photography?
Colloidal silver bromide

1. A temperature difference of 25°C is equivalent to a temperature difference of
how many F?
45° F
2. A deuterium nucleus consists of which particles?
One proton and one neutron
3. How many moles are there in 140 g of Si (atomic mass of silicon is 28)?
4. Which is used in storage batteries?
5. What is unit of dipole moment?
6. Which polymeric material is used for making bullet proof jacket?
7. Which is the main ingredient in cement?
Lime stone
8. Which element is produced when concentrated cinnabar is roasted in the excess of air?
9. Which nuclides having the same number of neutrons but different number of protons or mass number?
10. Which compound is known as white vitriol?
ZnSO4 .7H2O
11. Which environment leads to the occurrence of acid rain?
Sulphur dioxide
12. Which type of the fruit formed without fertilisation?
13. In vulcanisation, with which the natural rubber is heated?
14. Which algae is used as biofertilizer in the production of crop paddy?
Blue green algae
15. When lake starts freezing the formation of the ice will start first at which point?
16. Which unicellular algae are used as source of oxygen in space research?
17. Which is used as a filler in rubber tyres?
Carbon black
18. Alcoholic fermentation is brought about the action of which thing?
19. By whom was the principle of ‘Black hole’ enunciated?
S. Chandrashekhar
20. Which gas has maximum calorific value?
Oil gas
21. A molecule of glucose on complete oxidation yields how many ATP molecules in case of aerobic respiration?
22. A lighted candle gets extinguished when covered with a tumbler. Why?
Because of inadequate supply of air
23. In anaerobic respiration, what is the net gain of ATP per glucose molecule oxidised?
24. The elements of group VA are generally known as which name?
25. Which pairs of rays is electromagnetic in nature?
 x-rays and gamma rays
26. Which gase changes lime water in milky colour?
Carbon dioxide
27. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperature up to how many °C?
28. What does Gobar gas contains mainly?
29. Which are the important raw materials required in cement industry?
Limestone and clay
30. What is not the cause of low conductivity of electrolyte?
Ionisation of salt

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