Physics Questions Part - 3
Sunday, 3 February 2019
1. Lenz's law is law of conservation of -
2. By which permeability is a super conductor characterized?
Zero permeability
3. How is the speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium?
Remains unaltered
4. Pitch of the voice of women generally–
Higher than that of men
5. When do all the magnetic materials lose their magnetic properties?
Strongly heated
6. A hollow sphere of copper is positively charged, Then what will the electric field
be inside the sphere?
7. In our houses we get 220 V A. C What does the value 220 represent?
Effective voltage
8. A small weight is put on the pressure cooker. It increases the pressure of the
steam. Why?
Area of contact is small
9. How can one can distinguish a telescope from a microscope?
By observing size of the lens
10. Which type of sound is produced by a bat?
11. Why does happen Short sightedness?
Due to elongation of eye balls
12. The quality of sound produced by an instrument depends on the which thing?
Number of overtones
13. What is the order of magnitude of electric resistance of the human body (dry)?
106 ohm
14. In electric supply lines in India, which parameter is kept constant?
Frequency (50 Hz)
15. The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of how many angstrom?
1 Angstrom
16. At the time of short-circuit, what will be the current in the circuit?
Increases heavily
17. Radioactive disintegration of uranium ultimately results in which formation?
18. ‘Hydraulic brakes’ and ‘Hydraulic lift’ are devices, why are fluids used in them?
For transmitting pressure
19. If a pendulum is allowed to oscillate into jar containing water, what will its time period?
20. Instrument used to store the electric charge is known by which name?
21. What does Every object at a temperature above absolute zero?
Radiates energy
22. The value of which quantity remains same in all system of units?
Specific gravity
23. A floating body always displaces liquid equal to its which thing?
24. When viewed in white light, why do soap bubbles show colours?
Because of interference
25. ‘Parsec’ is the unit of measurement of which distance?
Astronomical distance
26. The light coming from stars gives the idea of their which quality?
27. What is a strong argument for the particle nature of cathode rays?
They are cast shadow
28. Which industry produces the most non-biodegradable wastes?
Thermal power plants
29. What is the number of electrons in an atom of atomic number Z and mass number A?
30. Which was the lowest unit of Chola administration?
1. When does Super conductivity result? When matter is cooled to very low
2. When the temperature increases, what does the angle of contact of a liquid?
3. Which variety of glass is heat resistant?
Pyrex glass
4. Why does the velocity of rain drop attain constant value?
Viscous force exerted by air
5. If there were no atmosphere, what will be the length of the day on the earth?
6. The focal length of a convex lens is 50 cm. what is its power?
+2 D
7. Which field is used to produce deflection in a television picture tube?
A magnetic fields
8. If the Kinetic Energy of a body is increased by 300%, how much will its
momentum increase?
9. What does a permanent magnet repel?
D i a m a g n e t i c substances only
10. If the price of an inferior good falls, what about its demand?
Remains constant
11. A fan produces a feeling of comfort during hot weather. Why?
Our perspiration evaporates rapidly
12. Why is the gas thermometers is more sensitive than the liquid thermometer?
Expand more than liquids
13. Which is the correct device for the detection of thermal radiation?
14. The pressure at the bottom of a liquid tank does not depend on which area?
Area of the liquid surface
15. With the rise of temperature, what will be the surface tension of a liquid?
16. Total internal reflection can take place when light travels from which thing?
Diamond to glass
17. The refractive index of a given piece of transparent quartz is greatest for which
Violet light
18. Long distance short-wave radio broad casting uses which waves?
Ionospheric wave
19. Recoil of a gun is an example of which thing?
Conservation of linear momentum
20. The tendency of liquid drop to contract and why does it occupy minimum area?
Due to Surface tension
21. When water is heated from 0 degree C to 20 degree C, how does its volume change?
It shall increase
22. Folding is the result of which force?
Orogenetic force
23. With which can Radio wave of constant amplitude be generated?
24. What is the SI unit of Young’s modulus of elasticity?
25. If temperature rises, what will be the coefficient of viscosity of liquid?
26. To an observer on the lunar surface, during the day time, how will the sky appear?
27. What is Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength?
Radio waves
28. What is the unit of luminous efficiency of an electric bulb?
Lumen / watt
29. What is the escape velocity of a particle at Earth surface?
11.2 km/sec
30. What is the Mendel’s principles of inheritance?
Sexual reproduction
2. By which permeability is a super conductor characterized?
Zero permeability
3. How is the speed of light with the rise in the temperature of the medium?
Remains unaltered
4. Pitch of the voice of women generally–
Higher than that of men
5. When do all the magnetic materials lose their magnetic properties?
Strongly heated
6. A hollow sphere of copper is positively charged, Then what will the electric field
be inside the sphere?
7. In our houses we get 220 V A. C What does the value 220 represent?
Effective voltage
8. A small weight is put on the pressure cooker. It increases the pressure of the
steam. Why?
Area of contact is small
9. How can one can distinguish a telescope from a microscope?
By observing size of the lens
10. Which type of sound is produced by a bat?
11. Why does happen Short sightedness?
Due to elongation of eye balls
12. The quality of sound produced by an instrument depends on the which thing?
Number of overtones
13. What is the order of magnitude of electric resistance of the human body (dry)?
106 ohm
14. In electric supply lines in India, which parameter is kept constant?
Frequency (50 Hz)
15. The wavelength of X-rays is of the order of how many angstrom?
1 Angstrom
16. At the time of short-circuit, what will be the current in the circuit?
Increases heavily
17. Radioactive disintegration of uranium ultimately results in which formation?
18. ‘Hydraulic brakes’ and ‘Hydraulic lift’ are devices, why are fluids used in them?
For transmitting pressure
19. If a pendulum is allowed to oscillate into jar containing water, what will its time period?
20. Instrument used to store the electric charge is known by which name?
21. What does Every object at a temperature above absolute zero?
Radiates energy
22. The value of which quantity remains same in all system of units?
Specific gravity
23. A floating body always displaces liquid equal to its which thing?
24. When viewed in white light, why do soap bubbles show colours?
Because of interference
25. ‘Parsec’ is the unit of measurement of which distance?
Astronomical distance
26. The light coming from stars gives the idea of their which quality?
27. What is a strong argument for the particle nature of cathode rays?
They are cast shadow
28. Which industry produces the most non-biodegradable wastes?
Thermal power plants
29. What is the number of electrons in an atom of atomic number Z and mass number A?
30. Which was the lowest unit of Chola administration?
1. When does Super conductivity result? When matter is cooled to very low
2. When the temperature increases, what does the angle of contact of a liquid?
3. Which variety of glass is heat resistant?
Pyrex glass
4. Why does the velocity of rain drop attain constant value?
Viscous force exerted by air
5. If there were no atmosphere, what will be the length of the day on the earth?
6. The focal length of a convex lens is 50 cm. what is its power?
+2 D
7. Which field is used to produce deflection in a television picture tube?
A magnetic fields
8. If the Kinetic Energy of a body is increased by 300%, how much will its
momentum increase?
9. What does a permanent magnet repel?
D i a m a g n e t i c substances only
10. If the price of an inferior good falls, what about its demand?
Remains constant
11. A fan produces a feeling of comfort during hot weather. Why?
Our perspiration evaporates rapidly
12. Why is the gas thermometers is more sensitive than the liquid thermometer?
Expand more than liquids
13. Which is the correct device for the detection of thermal radiation?
Area of the liquid surface
15. With the rise of temperature, what will be the surface tension of a liquid?
16. Total internal reflection can take place when light travels from which thing?
Diamond to glass
17. The refractive index of a given piece of transparent quartz is greatest for which
Violet light
18. Long distance short-wave radio broad casting uses which waves?
Ionospheric wave
19. Recoil of a gun is an example of which thing?
Conservation of linear momentum
20. The tendency of liquid drop to contract and why does it occupy minimum area?
Due to Surface tension
21. When water is heated from 0 degree C to 20 degree C, how does its volume change?
It shall increase
22. Folding is the result of which force?
Orogenetic force
23. With which can Radio wave of constant amplitude be generated?
24. What is the SI unit of Young’s modulus of elasticity?
25. If temperature rises, what will be the coefficient of viscosity of liquid?
26. To an observer on the lunar surface, during the day time, how will the sky appear?
27. What is Electromagnetic radiation with maximum wavelength?
Radio waves
28. What is the unit of luminous efficiency of an electric bulb?
Lumen / watt
29. What is the escape velocity of a particle at Earth surface?
11.2 km/sec
30. What is the Mendel’s principles of inheritance?
Sexual reproduction