Biology Questions Part - 1

1. ELISA is important test for –

2. Anemia occurs due to–
 Folic acid

3. For prevention of bleading generally which aluminum ions used.
 Potash alum

4. Hemoglobin is  a -
chromo protein.

5. Which is related to Christmas feature:–
 Blood clot

6. Hemo–Cymph is seen in–

7. In which following is the life span of  RBC in human?
120 day

8. The average life span of RBC is–
100–120 days

9. Blood circulation in blood vessesl of earthworm occurs. -

10. Liver is rich sources of:–
Fat soluble Vitamin

11. Vegetable are spoil because they contain rich amount of –

12. In which following organs convert glycogen into glucose and purifier blood. -

13. Table carbohydrate, is the kind of sugar. -

14. The rich source of food protein is–
Soyabean and Ground nut

15. In which following is a fiber protein–

16. Which tissue form feather, toes and horns–

17. In which following substance resistance the skin layer from the water -

18. In which following heavy metal toxicity cause liver’s cause liver’s resosis -

19. Lemon is sour due to–
Citric Acid

20. In which following is not uses of saliva–
This increase KBC in boely.

21. Saliva help digestion of –

22. Mouth saliva release and digest –
Mund (Starch)

23. In which following part cross the digestion and respiratory pipe–

24. Corn is a rich source of–

25. Milk converts into cogulated milk or curd with help of enzyme.-

26. Which is of cause yellowish colour of cow milk–

27. Today milk not consider balance diet because it don’t contain–
 Iron and Vitamin C

28. Sour milk contain –
 Lactic acid

29. In which following known as destruction site of RBC -

30. Largest organ of human body is–

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