Biology Questions Part - 3

1. This is male sex hormone. -
2. In which following known as emergency hormone  -
3. Which secretion from the corpus luteum–
4. Production of growth hormone is occurs. - 
By Pituitary gland
5. Grave disease occurs due to -
Hyper secretion of thyroid
6. Which is pepsin releasing cells of stomach–
Main cells
7. In Human throat, which is known a adam’s apple–
Thyroid cartilage
8. Which types of Antibodies are produced during allergy ?
9. In which following deficiency causes Goitre–
10. Which is caused by deficiency of iodine–
11. Iodine ness salt is useful for–
For activity of thyroid gland
12. Pigment which given colour to Human body–
13. A.C.T. hormone release by–
From pituitary gland
14. Diabetes mellitus occur due to lack synthesis of hormone–
15. Functional unit of Kidney is–
16. In which following is responsible for water balance in human body. -
17. In which following main excretory waste uric acid–
18. During dehydration which is deficient in body–
Sodium chloride
19. Medium which increasing the urine secretion–
20. Abnormal component of urine is–
21. In which following to the abnormal component of Urine– Kitone body
22. Allantois of foctus is help in–
23. Opium is obtained from -
24. In hemichordate excreation take place by the–
 Malphigion tubule
25. Weight of heart of healthy adult human is –
 300 gm
26. Heart not have–
Voluntary muscle
27. Rheumatic heart treated with help of–
28. For a healthy heart of resson taken balance diet, proper sleep and–
Proper bad meditation
29. The Heart bet rate of adult human is –
70-80 per minute
30. “Murmur” of heart is occurs due to following reason–
 Abnormal valve

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